How can I set reminders for my habits?

You can control reminders for each habit.  Tap on the habit to go to its detail screen. Then tap the three dots that appear at the top right, and choose Coaching Options. You'll see an option for Get Reminded there. There you can set the time and days for the reminders for that habit.

You can also go into the global reminders screen to set reminders on muliple habits at one time: 

  • On iOS, tap Me at the bottom, then tap the gear icon at top right and choose Reminders.  
  • On the web or Android, tap your profile icon at top right and choose Reminders.  

Choose Push Notifications and/or Email notifications to determine whether you get a phone notification or email. Also be sure your time zone is set correctly to match your device or computer. Then choose the days and times you'd like to get a reminder for each habit.

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